Hi everyone! Molly here!
As you know, every once in a while Cristina and I like to get together with other photogs for some playtime. Well, Beth got some pretty radical pocket wizards, and she brought a new friend. Peggy! A new photographer from Tallahassee. We then met up with our beautimous model..Lauren.
Everyone actually met me in Valdosta, which I was super stoked about because there are a lot of places that I have been wanting to explore.
We then endured Cristina’s insane driving in the party van around town. We shot in a small field with beautiful Spanish moss and then in the creepy trees by the bank. Then we went to Ichiban for some delicious hibahi, bacause Cristina had a sushi itch. Anyways, Here’s what I got:
My Fav!

My 2nd fav!

I LOVE THEM ALL! I really can’t pick a fave. She totally ROCKED it for us!
I want to to play with you guys!