Hey everyone! Molly here! Let me first start by saying that I’m not used to maternity sessions..In fact, I don’t think that I will fully understand them until I have a little one. But, I do know one thing.. Jessica and Bo are gonna’ have the cutest baby girl ever! If you look really close, past the belly bump, you can see baby Abby. I want to thank Jessica and Bo for bearing with us on that cold morning. They kept each other warm, though..and I think Abby was probably the warmest of all. Pregnancy amazes me…I’m intrigued that there is a little person in there…and I’m sure Jessica and Bo are ready to meet their best Christmas present ever.

Bo hurt his foot, but I enjoyed his fashion none-the-less.

My favorite is the one on the left. They look cozy.

Belly Love!

We decided to have fun with mid-day shadows!

Poor Bo. He was such a good sport! We decided that he should know how Jessica feels, hence the gourd in the middle of downtown Thomasville. hehe.

Thanks Bo and Jessica (and little Abby) for letting us be a part of this special time! Merry Christmas!