The day started off with the ladies chatting in the beauty shop. No one but me noticed the warning alarms that would come through whatever song was on the radio every couple of minutes.
“::burrrrrn burrrrrrn burrrrrrn:: the national weather service has issued a tornado warning in the following counties…”
Don’t think I didn’t check a map to see where those counties were.
On to the silliness:

Cristina made friends with this hotty. She thought Cristina’s hair smelled delightful, so Cristina took a photo with her new best buddy.

After the hair was complete, the rest of the preparations took place in a tiny room behind the sanctuary.

Because of the INSANE wind and rain outside, we had to keep all photos inside.
This was depressing, because the outside of the church was super cute as well.

Some details…

We did some group shots and bridals at the entrance of the church.
I think April looks stunning in this light.
Thank goodness for big windows!

I loved that these girls could make each other laugh so easily!

The weather calmed down for like 10 seconds.
April and Luke opted to do a first-sight…which we LOVE.
I think this is the best smile he flashed all day!
(Same shot, two photographers..this is why we’re hot)

Some portraits..we used window lighting, and the photos were ALL taken in the sanctuary.

Right before the ceremony, the weather got worse..
The chapel became dark, and the rain was very loud.
However, no one was worried but me…Tornadophobic Molly.
April was super calm through the whole day! From the moment her veil blew off, to the moment she realized she would have to walk around the chapel in pouring rain, in order to enter from the back of the church.

Yay, for crazy high ISO’s!

Great Kiss…Great Exit…

Bad rain…

Some details…

Luke has a thing for Jason (the movie) this mask grooms cake was perfect for him!
Gore never tasted so good.

The first dance!

The power went out during the reception. I felt bad for the DJ, but the guests entertained themselves nicely by watching the wind, rain, and the rising lake.

The power was back on within the hour, and the show went on!

The bride and groom (and some of the guests) live across the lake where the reception was being held. They all watched anxiously as the lake rose. Finally, the groom bailed on a jet ski to go fetch his belongings, which were literally floating away. I guess that’s the only excuse a groom can have for leaving his own wedding reception.
April and Luke handled their wet and wild day like champs!
Nerves of steel I tell you, Nerves of steel.
Below is the view of the beautiful sunset (over the flooded lake and boathouse)
from the reception.

ok, i LOOOOVE 1 and 4 and the one of her about to enter the church. great work!