Hey everyone! Molly here!
A couple of weeks ago, C and I headed to Albany to photograph these two lovebirds, Wendy and Will. We didn’t know a whole lot about these two, and we didn’t even know if we had the right house. In fact, Cristina called someone (the wrong number) on the way to the shoot to tell her we were on the way. That person was so confused. :/
Anyway, we finally got to their house and Wendy opened the door. She was so cute, and I loved her outfit. Will sat really quietly on the couch. For a second, I thought he was going to be one of “those guys” . The guys who don’t say anything to you the whole time and check their watch every four seconds. (They are out there). Anyway, I was SO wrong about Will. By the end of the session, Will was chatting up a storm. I was so glad to meet these two, and to get to know them a lot more. We can’t wait until their wedding in a little over a month :). Ps. Wendy has the best cheek bones in the world. k. i’m done now.
Our first clue that we would like these two was that they wanted some photos with their cats. Cat people rule! Their cats had other plans that did not include being held, so the photos were…. hilarious.

Then, we decided to head outside for some pretty weather, a few mosquitos, and well…Albany ‘culture’? These two did great. We made them kiss a lot! ::whistles::

You gals did an AMAZING job on the photos! Very, very fun to work with too. Funny thing is, only when it comes to picture taking, Will usually is one of “those guys.” But, I didn’t hear even one complaint during or after the shoot–that is just how awesome you two are! Kudos to y’all for working with the cats (even a little even one)! 🙂
P.S.- Can you believe Will and I have never kissed in public? Thanks for the practice for our big day! haha
*little evil one
Thanks Wendy! Y’all did great! You guys aren’t into PDA? Never woulda known it! 🙂 Thanks for kissing in public for us!