Hey everyone! Molly here!
So, Cristina and I have been running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get caught up before we leave for NYC next weekend! So if you are waiting on your blog, it will probably be up this coming week!
Ok, now back to Tiffany and Justin.. We met up with Tiffany and Justin on a very cold, very windy, very drizzly day. It was perfect “cold and flu” weather (as Tiffany will tell you….sorry =( …).
Even though we had to change a couple of locations because of the weather, we had a fantastic time with these two! We like getting to know people, and Tiffany + Justin were pretty cool. Justin was probably ready to slap us a couple of times (it takes a little bit to get used to our silliness), but he was brave. Cristina did an AWESOME job with these, and I have to say.. I did an awesome job holding pocket wizards and not letting her forget her card cases. hmmm.

I love this series, and I think its because of Tiffany and Justin’s style..

Dang she’s fierce.. LOVE it!

Ahh, there is just nothing like being rained on to increase your ability to love on one another.

Justin is so bad-a. =D

Ended up loving these!

Love these too… Nothin like some pocket wizards to help a dreary day become terrific.

So, that’s Tiffany and Justin! Thanks guys for indulging us!