This was the secret man-code for “my woman looks good!” which doubled as the sign for, “let’s get married!”
And so they did…

Reception Time!!

First Dance..

I loved how much fun Jenn and her dad had together!

Then toasts were given by Jenn’s sister & dad, and Eric’s dad.

BAD Eric.. NO NO!

Will a sad face make it better? Not a chance!

New loves and seasoned loves.

The Garrett-Bullock House was an awesome venue…

Oh the facial expressions..

Jenn’s dad added extra craziness to the garter-removal…

Which we found hilariously necessary!

The guys tries SO hard to catch the garter (sarcasm) which landed on the floor. Like it usually does. hah!

You know you make me wanna shout!!

Last dance!

Nothing says “Have a happy life” like fire balls extremely close to ones face!
But it always makes for great pictures, so we’re cool with it.
Sorry to the guy we yelled at to move out of the way =).

Thanks Jenn & Eric for letting us be your paparazzi.
These are as awesome as the wedding was! Great Job!