Sarah + Waylon ::Dixie Plantation::

  1. Lindsi Jones Photography says:

    These are great! What a pretty wedding!

  2. amber - smitten says:

    some of your best work yet! it’s really lovely! what a beautiful location! rock on! 🙂

  3. Teri Dunaway says:

    Phenomenal photos! All I can say is “WOW!”

  4. Tammi Nowack Photography says:

    Fantabulous images you guys!
    Love lOvE LOVE the one of the bride in the doorway – wowza.

  5. Jessica Gilligan Wylie says:

    smokin’! love those slave quarters-very very coolio!

  6. greta, smitten says:

    these are STOOPID GORGEOUS!!!!! great job!!!!!!!!

  7. Danielle says:

    Those trees and that gorgeous bride made for breathtaking photos!

  8. […] A photographer capturing a wedding in Florida’s Dixie Plantation noted that the bride’s “cousin told us about the old slave quarters on the plantation. We took her in this horribly gross hallway…and it was beautiful. Slave quarters. Who knew they […]