Little Miss Claire :: Thomasville, GA Portrait Photographer ::

  1. Chelsey Cameron says:

    Beautiful! YOu guys take amazing pictures!

  2. Anne Gaines-grandma says:

    I love little Claire’s pictures. You guys did a great job.

  3. Natasha Groden says:

    Thank you so much ladies!!! These look fantastic! Claire is simply adorable!!

    I especially love the family pictures, they look picture perfect. 🙂 I have been so busy with my tradeshows I have not been able to travel up for a visit; but with these great photos I feel like I just stopped in and meet my new little niece! Thank you for doing such a wonderful job, you two are fantastic!!!

    Natasha G.

  4. Liz Williams says:

    Hi ladies! I love these! I saw baby Claire probably around the time y’all got to take these pictures and you’ve captured her lovely self so well! And I love the ones of Katie & Kyle – such a beautiful family. 🙂 Love to my dear friends!