Hey everyone! Molly here!
A month ago, on New Years Eve, we set out to photograph Kyle and Warren’s fantastic black tie wedding. Now, we’ve all heard the speculation about rain on the wedding day being good luck. I’ve also heard it means fertility and good fortune ;). Well, if that is the case , Kyle and Warren will have a TREMENDOUS amoung of luck and fortune , because y’all – it rained all day long. These two were great sports about the weather, and they were really excited about the after party. When I got there, I could see why! Kyle is a product designer for her family’s business Coton Colors (go check it out…FAB) so she and her posse designed the wedding and she designed the gift plates to hand out to everyone. PLATES AS GIFTS! How great! The decor was spot on, and the colors made my heart pitter patter a little bit. I loved Warren and his guys. He was quiet- they were loud. It was an absolute blast. Thanks for having us !! My favorite part was when the clock counted down to midnight . Even though I wasn’t with my love, I’m pretty sure there was enough love in the room to go around. And it was a packed floor!