Like I said. Jenn and Ryan brought their own props. They can both sing and play the guitar! (It’s how Ryan proposed)

Big Ole thanks to Hayley and Michael (you see them there in this picture?) for letting us use their beautiful land at the base of Kennessaw Mountain.

If you’re gonna do a jumping photo, DO IT RIGHT like these boys..

Jenn trying to hitch a ride from a truck load of hot menfolk.

Oh, is it time for the details?

Ryan’s family owns a plant nursery in Baxley. His mom and dad grew a ton of little plants to give away as favors. Mine is sitting in my window looking scrumptious 🙂 .
Ryan himself put together a lot of the flower arrangements and made a 35 foot (?) garland thing (sorry I have no clue what it is called) to be strung at the ceremony site (you will see that in a minute).

Ceremony time!
Ryan watching his bride come up the aisle. I love that his mom is watching him instead of watching the bride, like everyone else. A mama’s pride :).

Ryan and Jenn wrote their own vows. Everyone cried. Except for me, because I never cry. 😉

Can you see the really cool garland thing Ryan made? Props to a creative groom!

A couple of father daughter dances…

A mother son dance.

A toast or two…

Ryan approves of the cake. (Side note: look at Jenn’s arms.. I made a mental note not to ever get on her bad side.. no wonder everyone stuck to her timeline.. you go girl!)

They had a kiddie table, which indeed occupied the cuties.

This may possibly be my favorite family portrait ever.

This is Jenn’s great grandfather, who was in GREAT shape. He stayed all night and clapped and tapped his toes to the music. Here he is testing out the bubbles..making sure they weren’t going to malfunction for the leaving portion.

Thanks for letting us share in your special day, Jenn and Ryan!
Holy talent, Ryan…Garlands are TIME CONSUMING! I love the little plants to give away…what an awesome gift! And Christina and Molly…love the set up in the woods…rustic, charming, romantic…I love 'em!
Beautiful, beautiful pics of a gorgeous bride and perfect wedding. I will stop shedding sentimental tears over this event one day soon maybe!!! Hugs and kisses to my beautiful granddaughter and handsome grandson. I hope that your life together is always as beautiful as your wedding day. Love, Nonny
these pictures are beautiful…but what's new, all yalls pics are amazing!!! one i just cant get over is the dock pic with the couple standing with the tree line in the background! so so so so pretty!!! =) great job girls!
1. Location = awesome.
2. Dress – beautiful.
3. The shot of great grandpa blowing the bubbles made me smile.
4. Best ring shots ever.
Ok, my faves:
1. The one of the rings hanging off the branch with the flowers in the background…this could soooo totally be a Tacori ad. Beautiful.
2. The hazy one of them standing on the dock…so so so just, magical.
3. The grandad blowing bubbles. Hilarious.
This wedding is exactly how I want my wedding to look! Beautiful!