So, Cristina and I have been drowning in wedding…stuff. With her getting married, and us shooting a lot weddings, we’re plum weddinged out. Ok, so that’s a total lie. We love weddings, because people are always happy. But I had put portraits on hold to catch up on weddings, so when my cousin Abby(you may remember her from a few blogs ago) emailed and asked if I could shoot her friend…I decided to. I thought it would be awesome to cram a wedding and a senior session all in one weekend, 3 hours apart. Normally, those ideas are not “some kinda wonderful”, but this one was totally refreshing for me…and of course for Cristina, who I dragged along. Anyway, Erin is awesome and inspiring in a modelesque kind of way. We culled down from 600 images, and I couldn’t decide which ones to blog, so my husband voted.

I couldn’t decide which one of these I liked better, so you get both.

hey, i recognize some of these spots! 🙂 i have too many faves to name, so i’ll just say great session and leave it at that!! miss you on fb molly!! message me sometime!
These are absolutely fantastic! If you don’t mind my asking, what lens were you using here? They’re simply stunning!
absolutely love love love that last image!!!! hope you have an awesome thanksgiving!!
don’t know how I missed having you on my blog reader, but it’s squared away now. 🙂
My favs are the one of her in bw, with the double barn doors above her, and the closeup of her eyes – so pretty. 🙂
Great shots, Molly. I think I’ve shot in those locales…great minds think alike :).