Hey everyone! Molly here!
I’ve been slacking on the blog and facebook (must be wedding season or something 😉 ) sorry!  But I’ve been dying to blog these two. For some reason, I really liked them.  Not that I don’t like every one of our clients, but I like people that are a little quirky even more.  Matt and Emily met while working at a haunted house ( told you they were cool) and have been smitten ever since.  Also, sorry for not so many words on the blog, I’m about to head out to Relay for Life in Valdosta, and Cristina is enjoying the Rose Parade with her family who came in from Columbus.  She just texted me this photo of her 83 yr old super sweet Puerto Rican grandpa (I never know what he’s saying) but we like to smile at each other.  He’s waving at the veterans in the parade. How cute is he?!

Ok, back to Matt and Emily , which is why I’m blogging in the first place!!

 How cool are Matt’s shoes?!

 Then, it was on to the haunted house, which was by far one of the coolest and hardest places we’ve ever shot.  It took us foreverrrr (Sandlot reference)  to set up lighting and get it right . It was dark in that haunted house!

 The one on the right was my favorite 🙂