Hey Guys! Cristina here. This all started when I kept driving by an antique dress on a mannequin in a window in Quitman, GA. It was in the window for probably a year before I decide to stop in and ask how much it was. I thought it was going be crazy expensive, but it ended up being within my budget, so I was so thrilled. I had for about a year and never found the time to use it for a shoot, because we have been crazy busy all year. I met Caroline at a Tuesdays Together meeting in Tallahassee and I thought she was so lovely! Caroline is starting her floral business in Tallahassee, FL and she is awesome! She made the stunning bouquet for this shoot and her hair piece. Y’all need to check her out. Anyway, I contacted her to see if she and her husband wanted to model for me and they did and it made my day! I finally got to use the dress that I fell in love with and seriously, love these images so much. We went to St. Marks, my local happy place, and spent the evening walking in the mud and dodging the thousands of little crabs. Thanks Caroline and Brandon! I loved getting to know y’all. You guys are precious and I loved spending time with you. I hope I didn’t talk your ears off, I was just so excited!
-Moonstruck Florals : https://www.facebook.com/moonstruckflorals/
-Tuesdays Together Tallahassee- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1024125307606569/