Hey Everyone! Molly here!
I love this sweet family. I know I say it about most of the families I shoot, but I really love this family like my own. These are my adorable godsons. I love everything about them. Once, they came to visit me, and left a tiny handprint on the mirror in my livingroom. I never wiped it off because I like to look at it every once in a while. Makes me smile. I look at photos on my phone of how tiny they were, and I can’t believe how big they are now! It’s ridiculous.

Mulch eaters!!

You know, every little bit of fiber helps ;). Ps. This guy’s hair has a mind of its own. hahaha!

Look at that gummy little smile and those ears! Oh those ears!

“Dude, this is my blanket.. Move over!!”

so cute!!!!