Hey everyone! Molly here! A few weeks ago , we had the honor of photographing Katherine and Eric’s gorgeous wedding at First Presbyterian Church in Thomasville. I think, if I could sum up their wedding in one word, it would be elegant. I LOVED working with these two. Katherine glowed, and she was so precise […]

Weddings, Who You Wanna See

February 5, 2022

Katherine + Eric :: Thomasville, Ga Wedding Photographer ::


Hey Guys, If you don’t already know, it’s fall! Yay! We are finally getting cooler weather and I’m so thrilled! Fall, also, is our busiest time of the year, so we are trying to stay on top things. We have several sessions that we need to blog and here’s one right now. Molly and I […]

Couples, Portraits, Who You Wanna See

October 6, 2016

Margaret + Brett :: Pebble Hill Engagement Session :: Thomasville, GA Portrait Photographer ::


We photographed Whitney and Brent a couple of weeks ago at Pebble Hill Plantation in Thomasville. We had met Whitney a little over a year ago when she was a bridesmaid in a wedding we shot, but we didn’t really get to know her until their session.  Cristina was her girl scout counselor, or something, […]

Couples, Who You Wanna See

April 5, 2012

Whitney + Brent :: Pebble Hill Engagement Thomasville, GA ::


Ho Ho Ho y’all! Molly here!   A few weeks ago, Cristina photographed the M family in Thomasville.  I love Thomasville because it is different than any other town in South Georgia.  I feel like they are the only ones who have been able to maintain a thriving downtown area that is beautiful AND yummy. […]

Families, Kids, Portraits, Who You Wanna See

December 24, 2011

The M Fam :: Thomasville, GA Portrait Photographer ::


Hey Everyone! Molly here! A couple of weeks ago, Michaela and Zach came down to T’ville for some engagement photos.  I had never met Michaela, but C kept telling me how pretty she was so I was excited.  I kept having to tell C “I don’t think that’s how you pronounce it” when she would […]

Couples, Portraits, Who You Wanna See

December 13, 2011

Michaela + Zach :: Thomasville, GA Portrait Photographer ::


Hey Everyone! Molly here! C photographed the C girls a few weeks ago.  OMG. Cuteness overload. I loved pretty much every single one of these. It was hard for me to choose favs. Plus, mom was REALLY good at posing, which caught me off guard.           See, I told you mom […]

Families, Kids, Portraits, Who You Wanna See

December 11, 2011

The C Girls :: Thomasville, GA Portrait Photographer ::


Hey everyone! Molly here! Cristina photographed the M Fam a couple of weeks ago, and I love how these turn out.  I can’t wait to meet this whole family.  I really enjoy it when parents can let go and let their kids have a little fun on shoots.               […]

Families, Kids, Portraits, Who You Wanna See

December 6, 2011

The M Fam :: Thomasville, GA Portrait Photographer ::


Hey Everyone! Molly here! Ok, so I know I said I was going to do a blog every day for 19 days, but yesterday my husband (who works retail and never gets time off this time of year) was off work.  So we spent the day running errands, eating out, putting up the Christmas tree, […]

Families, Kids, Portraits, Who You Wanna See

November 29, 2011

The D Fam :: Thomasville, GA Portrait Photographer ::


Hey Everyone! A few weeks ago, Rachael and Paul came to see us all the way from Atlanta!  We met at Granddaddy’s bbq, which is one of the only places in Thomasville that is open on a Sunday, and headed out from there.  Rachael came with outfits and props, and we LOVE that.  I don’t […]

Couples, Portraits, Who You Wanna See

November 26, 2011

Rachael + Paul :: Thomasville, GA Portrait Photographer ::


Hey everyone! Molly here! If you haven’t checked out Ashlyn and Craig’s awesome cypress pond wedding with a pecan field reception { click here  }! Ashlyn was beautiful! Plus, the property was gorgeous, so there was really no way we could have gone wrong here.  Ashlyn was a trooper and even laid down in grass […]

Weddings, Who You Wanna See

November 8, 2011

Ashlyn’s Bridals

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