Hey everyone! Molly here! Last month, we photographed Stephanie and Chris out on the plantation where he works. All I could do was drool as they drove us around. It was my crack. I think Cristina and I could have photographed them all day! Stephanie and Chris were very cute together. Love a good ole’ country couple!
Here are some of our favs from the day.
As most of you know, Cristina and I have an unhealthy obsession with trees. This may just be my favorite tree ever. It was like another world under there!

Stephanie has the prettiest eyes!

This is their future home! So cute..

And then came Stephanie’s cute kiddo and his adorable dog Molly. (I know..ALL Molly’s are adorable)

Chris was so popular with the ladies that day 🙂

Those blurs in the background are muddy dogs chasing each other. HAAHAHA!

We ended the day with a foot race. . .I almost died.

awwww Stephannie, you made me cry………..you all are so beautiful.
You make love, seem so precious.
Share your heart, share your love and share your faith.
Always here for you.
Ms. O’Brien