Lets start with my favorite photo of Sam from the day. Cristina’s awesomeness.

Someone’s Uncle (sorry, I cannot remember whose) let them borrow this AWESOME vintage truck…painted UGA red and Black. perfection.
I think someone said it was a model a truck?
Thanks, Uncle! Cristina and I love you!

Gah.. stop bein’ so cute.

LOVE this.

mmmm. sexy.

All of Sam’s family hung out in the lodge before the wedding.

I think SOMEONE blessed the ceremony by throwing some sunshine up in there.

I love how mom was watching her son as the his bride came out of the lodge arm in arm with her parents. And I love how smiley he is about it.

Then they sealed it with a kiss.

The reception was also at the resort. Some details.

Yum Cake. I was going to post a picture of the grooms cake just because the Georgia “G” made me “lol”. But I decided to spare the feelings of the cake decorator :).

The Details were great!

Then it was time for the first dance. AWWWW.

This was the best man speech that did NOT ramble. 🙂

After eating some delicious food, it was time to cut a rug.. And believe me..EVERYONE boogied.

Some people tried to steal kisses.

Some people serenaded their loved ones while others… well…got down with their bad selves.

Blow on da dice fa good luck, shawty.

There was a bit of a Top Gun performance.

This was when the party got crazy.

No..I’m sorry… THIS is when the party got crazy!!

Pshh. Stop it.

When they broke the air guitars and pirate hat out, I knew it was time for the party to wind down. There shouldn’t be so much concentration required to play the air guitar..simple as that.

Sam and Brian, Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your wedding day!
fabtastical! and what i said about it being safe to lock it in pdf format??? this totally solidifies that! 🙂 go girls!
Love, Love, love your ring shot on this one! Nice job ladies!
Our eyes have popped out of their sockets!!! Great job Molly and Cristina!!!
These are gorgeous! You guys ROCK!!
omg, what a freaking amazing wedding!!!!!!!!!! wowzers!