Hey everyone! Molly here!
We met up with Michael and Meg right before the Thomasville Christmas parade. Although it really didn’t seem too much like Christmas (I think it was like 75 degrees), it was a lot of fun!
These two laugh almost constantly, which we LOVE. Also, we did a lot of the session with their fire-house family watching… and maybe laughing at them a little. But they didn’t care, they just kept right on loving on each other!
Here are a few of our favorites from the day!

Nothin’ wrong with a little lovin’ on Engine 1.

They both had great serious faces too!

For luck!

This one CRACKS ME UP!

I was disappointed that the pole was gated off =(

We got a few of Thomasville’s finest to assist with this next shot. They took direction oh-so-well.

Then we explored the area around the station before Meg had to run take a test.

Little buggy fun. Yep I said buggy, back off!

Thanks Meg, Michael, Lori, and the guys at the firehouse for entertaining us for an afternoon!
I can't choose a fav…love the first one, top left. And the one of them kissing in the truck (with the hoses on the right) and the shopping cart ones…
nice work!
Now **I** want a firestation couple (said in my whiney voice). Work on that for me, wouldja? 🙂
My favorite so far! LOVE this setting! The one with the other firemen walking behind them? AMAZING! What a cute couple!
OMG I love your work! You guys are sooo awesome!