Hey Everyone ! Molly here!
A couple of weeks ago, we met Keeli and Daryl out at her family’s land. I was not in a super wonderful photo taking mood. I know that may come as a shock to y’all. But you know how some days you just don’t want to work? Yeahhhhh. I have those too. We had just gotten back from traveling, and I told Cristina before we left , “I’m gonna let you lead on this one”. Not that she doesn’t normally, it’s just something I say to let her know that I’m in a funk. We normally take turns. I look for places to shoot while she’s shooting, and vice versa.
When we got out there, I saw how cute Keeli was dressed and then Daryl came out and was so into Keeli. To make a story short, pretty soon I was out of my funk completely. These two seemed so easy and were up for anything that would make a good photo. ..and it worked. In the end, we got WAY too many images that we loved. hah! Oh.. we had some help on this shoot too. We had a hair assistant, a production manager, and a judge who drooled a lot but was very cute none-the-less. We can’t wait for their wedding!
cotton fieeeeeelds…. aaaah!! These are way beautiful. (surprise surprise). LOVE it.
Love this session!
The drooling judge thinks the pictures are awesome! hahaha
I cant wait till the wedding it is going to be so much fun!
yep, you guys ROCK!