Hey Everyone! Molly here!
We are sitting in the Atlanta airport waiting to board our flight to NYC. The bad news? There is a lot of snow so our flights have been canceled, rescheduled, and now is delayed and delayed more!
I would love to write a LOT of lovely words about Jennifer and Anthony. They truly deserve super kind words. They were sweet to each other, and their families were great. Also, I love the fact that Jenn had a great schedule and actually went by it ::covers mouth in shock::!
Anyway.. here is how we feel right now.
If you are wondering who our accomplice is, her name is Lindsi Jones. She is our travel guru and assistant this wedding (anyone who knows us knows how defunct Cristina and I are with travel)…
Anyway, back to Jenn and Anthony! We had a LOT of favorites, and here they are.

She’s pretty much gorgeous…

And a handsome groom!

Jenn decided to do a first sight with her daddy. She and her father are very close, so everyone cried (including Cristina and I)…

I will end this post with a couple of details.

Stay tuned for post number 2!
these are wonderful photographs..the bridals are amazing! what a beautiful bride!