Hey everyone! Molly here!
Don’t mind me, I’m just getting caught up on some blogging 🙂 .  We photographed the Forsyth kiddos a few weeks ago, and I have to say it has been one of my favorite sessions this year. One of the reasons we aren’t primarily portrait photographers is because , speaking frankly, it can get boring very quickly.  Mommas are constantly worried about who is smiling and who has dirt on their jeans and who has hair in their face, and let’s be honest. That’s exhausting.. Not only for me and mom, but for the kids too. No wonder some kids hate to have their photo taken.  I mean, I get it. They are spending hard earned money, and they want their kiddos to look perfect. We … we just like fun and lifestyle better!  I was so glad when this mom told us where she’d be if we needed her and skiddaddled (yes, that’s a word ). It made the kids relax and act like themselves, it made them listen to us, and it was fun. I know a few of these are silly, but if you have kids that aren’t silly, well… poor you. Ok, enough of me ranting on how fun lifestyle portraits are :)… Here are a LOT of photos of the Forsyth kiddos.

 He stole the rose from the kitchen and stuck a cheese stick in his jacket pocket “for a snack later ” 🙂

 He was making fun of his sister. hahahaha!

 Cat people <3

 She is seriously gorgeous!!!

SO beautiful!