Hey everyone! Molly here!
As many of you know, I’ve been carrying around a super helpful assistant for 28 of our 36 weddings last year. Well, it’s almost that time, so we figured we should probably finish her room. With the help of auntie C and uncle J (Cristina and Jeremy) on painting duty, my hubs on putting everything together and hanging everything (including my new work area) duty, my mom on crib sheets and dust ruffle duty, and me on picture makin’ duty, we got it done.. finally! YAY! It was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Once I got this done, I felt like.. “ok, she can come now!!” So now we wait 🙂

Sorry the comforter is wrinkled, I didn’t notice it until after I took the photo..And then I just left it like it was anyway.

For those of you who are worried, we will be taking the pillows out of the crib 🙂
I got a lot of the ideas from pinterest.

It turned out great! I love it!
Molly, Fin’s room is absolutely adorable ;). Can’t wait to meet her 😉
Looks Awesome!
Howszit, I enjoy the post, truely great info. I will for sure visit again sometime in the near future. Keep up the good posts!
Sup, I like the post, honestly good info. I definately will visit again sometime in the near future. Keep up the terrific posts!