Hey Everyone! Molly here! So, I’m about to get a little sappy… like a pine tree.For that, I apologize. This is also the abridged version of the Nikki and Molly saga. You see, I became good friends with Nikki when I was in high school. We made up nick-names for each other, and I was […]

Personal, Portraits, Who You Wanna See

March 14, 2011

Triston & Jaxson stole my heart


Hey everyone! Molly here! Well, it’s over. 2010 was a blur. A very good blur.  It is fun to look back over all of the weddings we shot last year and see how we’ve grown.  I hope we never stop growing. We have loved all of our brides and grooms as well as their families. […]

Personal, Uncategorized, Weddings, Who You Wanna See

January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!


Note:Please forgive my grammatical errors. This was all very stream-of-thought. I didn’t want to post this on Chris and Katie’s blog post because I wanted it to be about them, not me, but I know there are a few family members and guests out there wondering..”what the heck happened to that photographer?!” A lot of […]


August 18, 2010

A Dramatic Tale of Me Getting Sick at a Wedding


Hey everyone. Guess who? Ok, so yesterday we had a couple of really fun shoots and I couldn’t wait to show you just a teeny tiny sneak peak of each. We had a blast with 3 besties, 2 lovers, 2 well-trained dogs, and 1….Noe =). First up, We loved Bunny, R.J. , and their pups.. […]


March 15, 2010

A couple of shots…


Hey Everyone!For a while now, we have been meaning to highlight some of our favorite things to do in (and about) Thomasville. 1. Check out the Thomasville Townie blog. The Townie highlights everything that is going on locally. If you have any questions on what to do on your night out, or even what sales […]


February 8, 2010

We Heart Thomasville


::cue music::“Should old acquaintances be forgotten, and never brought to mind?”– Heck no. We like our new friends/ old acquaintances.. They are our brides and grooms of 2009, and they make Red Fly Studio what we are and why we love doing what we do. So thank you Rachel , A.J., Alyssa, Jason, Melissa, Chris, […]


January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!


Hey Y’all! Cristina here. I just wanted to thank everyone for all the prayers. We have had several people ask about donations. Donations would be amazing! If you would like to send in a donation, you can just send it to our studio mail box. After our charity sessions, I’m going to make sure Jeremiah […]


December 2, 2009

Yay for Donations!!!


Hey Everyone! Molly here! First off, I know this is a lot of information and a lot to read, but please read this and pray (HARD) if nothing else. Cristina and I were not planning on doing any “Holiday Deals” this year because we have been so busy keeping up with weddings. However, something has […]


December 1, 2009

Holiday Special for Charity! Please help Jeremiah!


Hey guys! Molly here… I thought I would pop in and tell you what kinds of things we’ve been doing.. Well, there is the usual… editing. editing. and ..umm.. editing? And then there is the really exciting things like: 1. We just got four awesome canvases in and great decorative pillows! 2. We are going […]


August 30, 2009



Hey Everyone! A few weeks ago we photographed Mischa and Zane’s wedding in South Carolina. Mischa works at an animal clinic in Monticello and, when we photographed her, it was evident that she has a clear love for animals. She rescues and adopts pit bulls, but her favorite pit, Kaos, has gone missing. I know […]


August 19, 2009

Lost Dog Monticello, FL

need help finding something?