Hey everyone! Guess who…. yeah. it’s me. Molly.
So are you ready for some hottness?! K, we have it.
Cristina and I headed to a town that starts with an “O” (that I can’t spell) for Carrie and Seth’s engagements. Sounds like “Oh-Clock-Knee”. Seth’s family has some AMAZING land that I don’t think that I would ever leave if I owned it, and it is very special to them…It is where Seth proposed. So that is where we did their shoot. There were so many places to go, that it was like Photographer’s Christmas for Cristina and I. On top of cool places, we got to hang out with cool people. Carrie and Seth are super cute together! We knew we would get along with Carrie from the moment we discovered that we both love our Cat-children very much. Bumper Mae couldn’t come along for the shoot, so Carrie had to love on Seth. We loved getting to know them better!

Wooohoo! Purty Sexay.

Love this one C did!

Carrie and Seth pointed out this old car, and of course we had to use it.

At this point, Seth was beginning to get hungry. I think it was Carrie’s turn to cook dinner.

Yep, I know…they are hot. Anywhoo. We can’t wait until their wedding in January!
Thanks for hangin’ with us for the afternoon, y’all!
Ya'll are AWESOME!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I love me a siloh and sweet lovin'.