Cristina and I spent an afternoon with Britney and her mom one day last month. Another photographer from the Atlanta area, Vanessa Scott, was down visiting for a couple of days and Britney and her mom were nice enough to let her shoot her bridals with us!
Britney got married on Saturday, so it is time for us to post these photos. As you can tell, Britney made for a BEAUTIFUL bride. Her wedding was a blast. She had a wedding day that got progressively more crazy! She started the day off at a spa, then got married, then got KIDNAPPED, then danced the night away with her new husband, Ross. It was so much fun..but more on that later…rest your eyes on this bridal beauty!

Thanks to the guy who drove by in his huge truck and tried to impress us by going fast down the dirt road. Your creepiness provided for an amazing backdrop!

I think this was my fav. I just love how elegant she looks.

Hello Georgia red clay in your wedding dress!!!

In a few weeks, we will be posting Britney’s complete wedding day!
She's gorgeous!
I love #12, the horizontal bw that's old skool, and that last bw are my total favs. 🙂
Nice work, can't wait to see the wedding pics. Kidnapped? Fun!
wedding dress + ga clay?! gutsy! 🙂 great pics!!
HOTNESS…that's all I have to say about that!
Britney is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Marsha Graham