Hey there! Cristina here. I had the honor of photographing my sweet cousin’s second birth, of her son Malachi. I drove up to Columbus, GA a few weeks ago to document and welcome little Malachi. He was born in the wee hours of the morning on a rainy day. This was my first C-section birth and the nurses told me where to stand, since I was in an operation room. At first, I was a little nervous, because I was hoping to be on the other side of the sheet, near Amy and Mike, but the nurses placed me near Amy’s feet. I soon realized this is probably, where the girl who fainted in the hallway that was filming a birth was standing, before she started to feel weak. hah! But, the doctors and nurses worked fast and Malachi was out and about within seconds. What an amzing job these doctors and nurses have. Beautiful, sweet babies born everyday! This is my second birth that I’ve documented. It’s such an undescrible experience. I’m always nervous, but excited and honored and in awe. I haven’t had any babies, yet, so I feel like I learn so much with each birth that I document. Thanks so much for letting me be there for you guys and little Malachi. I love y’all!