Hey Everyone! Molly here!
I was so excited when I got a phone call from an old co-worker, George, telling me that Anna was pregnant and he wanted to get her a maternity session for her birthday. My first thought was to go stalk her on facebook. I didn’t even know she was pregnant… a sure sign I was falling behind on my facebook stalk-age. Facebook confirmed that George wasn’t making anything up. You see, I have been telling him for YEARS that they were going to have triplets.. girls.. all named Georganna with different middle names. I was 1/3 right.. It’s a girl! But only one.. and she doesn’t have a name yet. They assured me it wouldn’t be Georganna :).
The next question was, “is she showing?” He said “Yes!” (In a tone that said “You idiot, of course she’s showing..she’s HUGE” ).. Well, Anna has always been tiny, so I figured she would definitely have a big ole baby bump. Turns out, her belly is still teeny-tiny too. I was glad to get to see her again. She’s still as quiet and sweet as I remember her being. Congrats George and Anna and baby Georganna!