Hey everyone. Guess who?
Ok, so yesterday we had a couple of really fun shoots and I couldn’t wait to show you just a teeny tiny sneak peak of each. We had a blast with 3 besties, 2 lovers, 2 well-trained dogs, and 1….Noe =).
First up, We loved Bunny, R.J. , and their pups.. Toby, Dolly, and Noe. Bunny and R.J. are into photography (their website) , so we know they would be amazing to shoot. Bunny also runs the Thomasville Townie .. a great blog about what is going on in the area!
Ok, there were SO many favs, but I quickly chose 3. There are plenty more to come!

We also met 3 bffls , who were silly, hot, and super fun! Meet Sarah, Jamie, and Whitney!
I loooved this shot that I quickly grabbed. It was very “them” to me.. Love Whitney and Jamie’s facial expressions!

“Whatchoo doin in mah grassy area?!”
They’re super hot…see?

Ladies, plenty more to come…
As usual, you guys did a great job! I love the first shot of the cute couple and doggies! And those three besties are adorable. Great pics!